Good To Know

Contactless Service in the Hotel: With our integration partner Code2Order, we enable our customers to offer a comprehensive intelligent digital guest service.
September 9, 2020

Contactless Service in the Hotel: With our integration partner Code2Order, we enable our customers to offer a comprehensive intelligent digital guest service.

Together with CODE2ORDER, we combine our offerings to facilitate contactless service in hotels. The combination of CODE2ORDER's digital guest service solutions with our intelligent chatbot allows hotels to respond to guest needs immediately.

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Google Business Messages for Hotels
April 7, 2021

Google Business Messages for Hotels

In the global search engine market, Google is at the forefront with a 92% share! How would it be if potential guests could contact their desired hotel during their Google search? Google My Business Messages already makes this possible: with the messaging function, guests can send a message directly to the hotel from the Google search or Maps.

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How to Achieve Efficient Guest Communication in Times of Social Distancing
August 18, 2020

How to Achieve Efficient Guest Communication in Times of Social Distancing

After weeks of closures, hotels have reopened and vacation regions in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are well-booked for the summer season. The hotel industry is slowly but surely beginning to recover. The challenge now is to continue offering excellent service with fewer resources while minimizing and making guest interactions as contactless as possible during check-in and check-out, guest services, and communication.

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8 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Hotel Chatbot
June 10, 2022

8 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Hotel Chatbot

The chatbot jungle is getting denser, and it’s easy to lose track. This is no surprise, as there are many excellent solutions available today with various functionalities, prices, and focuses. There’s something for every operation. But how do you find the chatbot that truly fits your hotel and your needs? We’ve gathered eight important questions to ask during your research to help you pick the optimal chatbot solution for your property. Let’s get started…

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ChatGPT and hotels have nothing to do with each other. That's what you might say if you had no idea.
April 20, 2023

ChatGPT and hotels have nothing to do with each other. That's what you might say if you had no idea.

The new public access to the AI-based language model ChatGPT is on everyone's lips. For many, artificial intelligence is unsettling. Dystopian movies warn about robots taking over the world. Your grandpa never trusted this internet thing anyway. We’ll explain what you really need to know. Be smart – Make AI work for you!

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5 Tips for Your Chatbot 💙
October 3, 2023

5 Tips for Your Chatbot 💙

Not all chatbots are created equal. We'll show you how your digital helper can assist you even better. With these 5 tips, your beloved bot will become even smarter. 🚀

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Good Practice Chatbot Concept for Hotels
November 27, 2023

Good Practice Chatbot Concept for Hotels

The core of the hospitality industry is good service and the relationship with the guest. Communication and interaction are central aspects of both. It is important to meet the high digital expectations of guests, and a chatbot can help with this!

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Zoomers, Millennials, and Interaction with Chatbots
November 27, 2023

Zoomers, Millennials, and Interaction with Chatbots

Soon, Millennials and Zoomers will be the two largest consumer groups in the country. Companies looking to improve brand loyalty among these groups should be aware of their different expectations and preferences for the customer experience.

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Customer Experience and Dialogue Marketing: How Does a Chatbot Evoke Positive Emotions in Guests?
November 27, 2023

Customer Experience and Dialogue Marketing: How Does a Chatbot Evoke Positive Emotions in Guests?

Through dialogue marketing, a chatbot comes to life. It works with the wording and the look of the hotel. This makes a big difference in the customer experience!

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Emojis say more than a thousand words.
November 27, 2023

Emojis say more than a thousand words.

From a marketing standpoint, emojis are undeniably useful. The little, happy faces elicit more from viewers than one might think!

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Artificial Intelligence in Action: Next-Generation Chatbots
November 27, 2023

Artificial Intelligence in Action: Next-Generation Chatbots

Over the past decade, no other technology has fundamentally changed customer communication as much as Conversational AI. It has also had a remarkable impact on chatbots. Here’s what you need to know about it.

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Be accessible to guests throughout the entire guest journey
November 27, 2023

Be accessible to guests throughout the entire guest journey

Guests have long become accustomed to communication via chat – for many, it is even their preferred method of communication. Hotels, in turn, can make themselves accessible to their guests along the entire guest journey, right where they are: from Google search to check-out.

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Choosing the Right Hotel Chatbot – With 8 Simple Questions
November 27, 2023

Choosing the Right Hotel Chatbot – With 8 Simple Questions

The chatbot jungle is becoming increasingly dense, and it's easy to lose track. This is no surprise, as nowadays there are many good solutions with varying functionalities, prices, and focuses. Thus, there is something for every operation. But how do you find the chatbot that truly fits your hotel and your needs?

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 Measuring the Success of Your Chatbot
November 27, 2023

Measuring the Success of Your Chatbot

Your digital helper works hard for you and your team, that's for sure. But how successful has it been so far? Where are there opportunities for optimization?

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The perfect Prompt
April 28, 2024

The perfect Prompt

How do you actually write the perfect prompt? We've gathered 10 of the best tips for you!

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Robots at the Reception and Co-Bots in the Kitchen?
April 27, 2024

Robots at the Reception and Co-Bots in the Kitchen?

Imagine entering a hotel and being greeted by a humanoid robot that not only knows your name but has also already mixed your favorite cocktail. Welcome to the future of hospitality, a world where robots and humans work hand in hand—or more precisely, hand in robotic arm—to provide guests with an unforgettable experience.

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Mixed Reality - Blending the Physical and Virtual
April 27, 2024

Mixed Reality - Blending the Physical and Virtual

Do you remember the times when the Metaverse was the hottest topic on the digital playground? It was almost as if someone had opened a time capsule from a distant, futuristic world. But just as the dust settled, Artificial Intelligence stepped into the spotlight, and the Metaverse? It seemed to have moved to the corner of forgotten dreams. But hold onto your VR headsets, because something big is looming on the technology horizon.

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The Future of Web Search
April 27, 2024

The Future of Web Search

In a world where technology is advancing rapidly, the next big innovation could fundamentally change the way we surf the internet. Instead of tedious clicking and scrolling, we might soon be talking to an AI assistant that understands our desires and makes personalized suggestions. Does it sound like science fiction? This future of web search, driven by generative AI, could soon become reality.

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Contactless service in the hotel: With our integration partner Code2Order, we enable our customers to provide holistic intelligent digital guest service
September 9, 2020

Contactless service in the hotel: With our integration partner Code2Order, we enable our customers to provide holistic intelligent digital guest service

Together with CODE2ORDER, we bundle our offering and facilitate contactless service in hotels. The combination of CODE2ORDER's digital guest service solutions with our intelligent chatbot allows hotels to respond immediately to guest needs.

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